WTF is wrong with people

Saturday, October 10, 2009
I gonna start this one off by saying that People these days have no Respect. Not a shred. No one says thank you anymore. People don't hold open a door for anyone. If I'm driving in heavy traffic and someone needs over into my lane but there is no space, I'll slow down a bit to give said person room to come over. What do I get in return. Fuck All. What you can't give a simple wave to say, "Hey, thanks for letting me in." Noooooo, that's to much to do. Lazy ass fuck. But I'll tell you this, if the roles were reversed, but I forced my way in front of the other car, I'm sure he wouldn't mind waving a finger. So you can wave a finger that is attached to your hand to say fuck you, but to wave a thanks is just to fucking much to ask.

If I hold open a door for you say thank you. Common Courtesy. Not that fucking Common.

My daughter is in Sparks (first level of girl guides) They are supposed to teach kids how to be polite. My wife who is 8.5 months pregnant was dropping her off one night 2 weeks ago. All the leaders were bringing in boxes of girl guide cookies so my wife politely held open the door for them. Now these are not small doors. It is a church that these meetings are held, so they are the big heavy wooden doors. Out of the 4-5 people bringing in these boxes only 1 person said thank you. One! What the FUCK! Way to show these kids. Way to set a good fucking example. That was no easy task for my wife. Trying to hold my 5 y/o daughter out of the way, hold open a door for like five min's, to not even be acknowledged is detestable. What the FUCK! I told her she should have said something. But do you even think that would have done anything. it wouldn't. If a person can't acknowledge that someone (who is pregnant no less) held a door for them to make their small pathatic little lives a little easier, Then they just don't give a flying fuck. Oh, they'll say sorry, but they wont learn anything from it. And "Sorry" doesen't cover it.

Sorry, I forgot to do the dishes....
Sorry, I ment to pick that up.....
Sorry, I forgot to say thank you....
Sorry, I'm a compleat asshat that has no respect for anyone or anything and can't show a little gratatude when it's do.

The word sorry has lost its meaning. As my grandmother used to say, "Sorry covers a multiude of sins." Meaning that it is used so much it means almost nothing.

I have the best "Sorry" story ever. I drive a big Ford F350 truck with a 30 foot trailer that is all painted Swiss Aqua (blue/green, ugly I know) Very eye catching hard to miss.
I'm driving up to a red light in the left hand turn lane. Now this is an intersection that has 3 lanes each side with a big concrete barrier in between. Each direction has a right/straight lane, a stright lane, a BIG ASS crosshatched space, then a left hand turn lane, BIG ASS concrete barrier. As i said I am comming up to a red light in the left hand turn lane. Next thing I know there is a stupid ass fuck making a left in my lane. I slam on the breaks and avoid hitting this guy by mear inches. What does this stupid ass FUCK do? Throws up his hands looks at me and asks WTF I'm doing. WTF I'm DOING! You have got to be kidding me. Where the fuck did this stupid ass fuck of a fuck learn to fucking drive. This guy is pissed that I'm in his way. So I yell out my window that he's in the wrong fucking lane. He looks around, took him a few seconds to catch on, but soon realizes his mistake. Oh but wait it gets better. Then the Fucking moron decides to try and drive through on comming traffic to get around the barrier. Like HOLY Shit this guy is gonna kill someone. My favorite part of this whole ordeal is the fact that he couldn't even bother to say he's sorry. Not even a wave. No, he just looked at us all like it was our fault that he's an idiot.

Stupid people need to be shot......


RainMan said...

Don't hold back now bro... Tell us how you really feel. You're always so subtle *lol*

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