Well Holy Shit I'm Back!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Just as the title say, I'm back!

I know, Its been quite a while since my last post... I am a new father and all. Got to teach that new kid how not to be fucking retarded.

It's now 4:50 am as I write this and it's my Birthday. Happy getting fucking old to me! 29...almost 30, but not quite there yet I have a few more months to go before I am really an official adult.

I figure I would give you all a small update on my life.

My 5 year old is doing great with the new baby....The new baby is driving us nuts with her constant eating...Fucking pig....I started our winter shifts ( that's why my posts may came at weird times),And we got our first snow fall...

I plow, as we all know (Click here) And for yet another year I come across complete fucking asshats, that just do the most retarded fucking stupid ass move you can think of. Like really, you know that someone is plowing snow, you see the pile that said person is plowing the snow to, So you park you fucking car in front of that pile??? WTF, WTF, WTF...

So you come out to your car a few hours later, only to find that it has a 3 foot wall of snow around it...Don't get mad...this is when you slap your forehead and realize that you are a total fucking retard... yes that's right, a RETARD.

I'm not going to explain this to you. If you can't figure out why you are retarded, then you are retarded and wouldn't understand anyway.

Look do you see what these fuckers did to me? It's my birthday and these fucks got me all worked up. OK, deep breaths...in ...out...in...FUCK!!!

Mind you I have to laugh...picturing the Fucknut digging out his car...

Buying an alarm clock to wake you up for work...$20
Getting gas in the morning to last you the week...$20
Getting that, get up and go coffee.............................$1.65
Getting that 1,000,000 contract, earning a promotion and finding out you are a irreplaceable asset to the company.................................................$80,000 a year

Having to dig your car out of a giant pile of snow, cause you were retarded enough to park your car in front of the only place to put snow during a snow storm, and pissing the guy off that has to plow said snow................................................................Priceless.

I have to admit I LOVE doing this. I wont lie...Your retarded...Learn to cope...

But!, today is a happy day. I am a year older, a year wiser...bud-wiser...and I get to get my oldest daughter what I want to buy her for Christmas...

Life is good...


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